Kuma Open Governance and Community Calls (04-15-2025) |  |
CouchDB REST API for Document CRUD Operations Examples With Postman (01-15-2025) |  |
Put your archive data on ice with new storage offering (01-08-2025) |  |
Armbian Stretchにopenmediavault 4をインストール:Armbian Stretchのopenmediavault 4インストール手順 専用OSイメージを使用する場合(Armbianベース) ※18.10.11追記:openmediavault 4専用のOSイメージを使用する場合、こちらが便利なようです。 (12-10-2025) |  |
Facebook isnt free speech, its algorithmic amplification optimized for outrage (10-20-2025) |  |
The Marvel of Observability (10-15-2025) |  |
The Anti (10-14-2025) |  |
Uncovering API Implementation (10-14-2025) |  |
HashiCorp announces fully managed service mesh on Azure (OpenMediaVault) |  |
ラズパイ4とOpenMediaVault(OMV4)で少しまとも …:2021-6-15 · OpenMediaVaultとは?OpenMediaVaultはNASとして使えるDebianベースのOSです。OMVと略され、現在Raspberry Pi用にはv4.17が最新で、他のマシン用ではv5がリリース最新です。元FreeNASというOSから派生しました。 (09-04-2025) |  |
【linux搭建nas】-博文推荐-CSDN博客:2021-2-19 · OpenMediaVault:OMV是基于Debian的开源NAS系统。我比较熟悉Linux,所伡更倾向于OMV。它本身就有很多插件,还有很多第三方的插件可伡安装。如果想自己扩展其它功能(比如Aria2)的话也很方便,和其它Linux系统一样。OMV还有树莓派的版本,感 (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Announcing NGINX Plus R19 (09-03-2025) |  |
Introducing Pulse 2.0site and server monitoring for developers (08-30-2025) |  |
Enhancing Data Privacy in Healthcare with Automated Data Governance (08-30-2025) |  |
Chatting with Watson to Hook any Tweets: Webhook Tutorial (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Kadena brings free private blockchain service to Azure Marketplace (08-27-2025) |  |
The risks of amoral AI (08-25-2025) |  |
What Is an API Platform? (08-23-2025) |  |
How to Avoid Cost Pitfalls by Monitoring APIs in AWS Lambda (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Synthetic Monitoring of DNS in Changing Times (08-23-2025) |  |
Red Hat Creates Service Mesh for OpenShift (08-23-2025) |  |
Got microservices? Service mesh management might not be enough (08-22-2025) |  |
StormCrawler open source web crawler strengthened by Elasticsearch, Kibana (08-22-2025) |  |
Porsche invests in low visibility sensor startup TriEye (08-21-2025) |  |
What We Mean by Feature Flags (08-21-2025) |  |
How we reduced our API calls by 50% (08-20-2025) |  |
API Marketplace vs API Gateway (Whats the Difference?) (08-20-2025) |  |
2021年2月8日 成功安装Openmediavault_5.2.7-1(Usul):2021-4-6 · [N1盒子] 【2021年2月8日】N1/Armbian5.9.1 成功安装Openmediavault_5.2.7-1(Usul) [复制链接] (08-20-2025) |  |
Hybrid Microservices An Insight (08-20-2025) |  |
Stoplight Launches API Visual Editor Aimed at Driving Scalable API Design (08-20-2025) |  |
How to Build an API in Python (with Flask & RapidAPI) (08-19-2025) |  |
More than 20 Texas cities and towns have been taken hostage by ransomware (08-19-2025) |  |
After data incidents, Instagram expands its bug bounty (08-19-2025) |  |
Persistence in Event Driven Architectures (08-19-2025) |  |
Google Traffic Director and the L7 Internal Load Balancer Intermingles Cloud Native and Legacy Workloads (08-19-2025) |  |
Log In With the Google OAuth Demo App (08-18-2025) |  |
Integrating Slack into your Laravel API (08-18-2025) |  |
Found: World (OpenMediaVault) |  |
OpenMediaVault (08-14-2025) |  |
GitHub Named in Capital One Breach Lawsuit (08-14-2025) |  |
Canary deployments with Consul Service Mesh (08-13-2025) |  |
Matt Klein on Envoy Mobile, Platform Complexity, and a Universal Data Plane API for Proxies (OpenMediaVault) |  |
When to use Azure Service Health versus the status page (08-06-2025) |  |
Honeycomb API Marketplace is Live (08-04-2025) |  |
Track API Hit Of Any Websites (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Five Reasons To Use an Internal API Hub for Microservices (07-29-2025) |  |
Why Proxies Are Important for Microservices (07-29-2025) |  |
Benefits of Having an API Hub For Your Teams External API Usage (07-05-2025) |  |
Top 50 Most Popular APIs on RapidAPI (2025) (04-09-2025) |  |
Simplifying API Definition with the NGINX Controller API Management Module (03-07-2025) |  |
Openmediavault图文安装教程 | 一段香:2021-8-21 · 简单Openmediavault图文安装教程,用虚拟机模拟安装 开篇之前先介绍一下几大NAS系统的关系,FreeNAS、OpenMediaVault、NAS4Free关系:Olivier Cochard-Labbe在2021年创建了FreeNAS项目,后Volker Theile加入该项目作为核心开发人员;2021年12月Olivier Cochard-Labbe发表声明停止为FreeNAS 0.7版本开发新功能后,Volker Theile创建了 ... (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Integration Key to Experience: API Management Details (Part 4) (OpenMediaVault) |  |
API Lifecycle (OpenMediaVault) |  |
OpenID Authentication with Istio (OpenMediaVault) |  |
WebSockets & API Gateway (OpenMediaVault) |  |
A Tour of Kongs Routing Capabilities (01-08-2025) |  |
NAS系统openmediavault安装教程 - BIHell:2021-5-15 · openmediavault主要设计用于小型办公室或家庭办公室。这是一种简单易用解决方案,轻点鼠标即可完成安装和NAS管理。 安装 配合我的openmediavault安装视频食用更香(待更新):西瓜视屏 哔哩哔哩 YouTube 我的14+个硬盘NAS装机视频:西瓜视频 哔哩哔哩 (12-19-2018) |  |
Announcing the launch of Rakuten RapidAPI 2.0 (12-17-2018) |  |
Rating The APIs We Collect As Part Of The API Discovery Process (OpenMediaVault) |  |
用于各种用途的伢秀树莓派操作系统 - 51CTO.COM:2021-5-15 · OpenMediaVault 最初是基于 Debian Linux 的,提供了大量功能,如基于 Web 的管理能力、插件支持,等等。它支持大多数树莓派型号,因此你可伡尝试下载并安装它! OpenMediaVault 14、ROKOS:适合加密挖矿 如果你对加密货币和比特币很感兴趣,那么 (12-07-2018) |  |
What Is Data Sprawl? (12-06-2018) |  |
Ensuring All Your API Infrastructure Is Reliable (12-06-2018) |  |
OpenMediaVault (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Introducing the Revamped RapidAPI (11-27-2018) |  |
Do You Know What APIs Your Teams Are Working On? (11-27-2018) |  |
Tell Us A Little About The API Production Environment For Your Organization (11-23-2018) |  |
Theres gold in them thar hills (11-21-2018) |  |
Discovering APIs: 10 must (11-19-2018) |  |
Some Question To Ask Your Organization When It Comes To API Discovery (11-19-2018) |  |
You Have APIsWhy Arent You Managing (all of) Them? (11-16-2018) |  |
Uber joins Linux Foundation, cementing commitment to open (11-15-2018) |  |
Looking Through Apache Logs For API Signals (11-13-2018) |  |
Monitoring Your Competitors GitHub Orgs, Repos, and Employee Repos For Signals (OpenMediaVault) |  |
openmediavault 4.1.3 插件开发_PHP - UCloud云社区:设置菜单节点图标 var/www/openmediavault/images 内创建对应Node.js内的2张图片 创... openmediavault 4.1.3 插件开发_PHP - UCloud云社区 演示网站 (11-06-2018) |  |
Installing OpenMediaVault to a Raspberry Pi - Pi My …:OpenMediaVault is a networked attached storage (NAS) solution built on Debian that has support for the Raspberry Pi.. Using this software, you can easily convert your Raspberry Pi into a powerful NAS that has built-in support for a variety of different services. (11-06-2018) |  |
Service Mesh with Envoy 101 (11-04-2018) |  |
Created a Killer Collection? Share it with Postman's 5+ million developers, via a Template (11-02-2018) |  |
API Discover & API Inspect promise to help enterprises combat Shadow APIs (10-29-2018) |  |
Data Theorem introduces automated API discovery and security inspection solution (10-27-2018) |  |
How to Build a Secure API Strategy for the API Economy (10-25-2018) |  |
Pull, Dont Push: Monitoring and Config Architectures in a Microservices Era (10-18-2018) |  |
Cloud (09-20-2018) |  |
Armbian Stretchにopenmediavault 4をインストール:Armbian Stretchのopenmediavault 4インストール手順 専用OSイメージを使用する場合(Armbianベース) ※18.10.11追記:openmediavault 4専用のOSイメージを使用する場合、こちらが便利なようです。 (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Netflix Eureka Discovery Microservices (08-28-2018) |  |
OMV搭建系列教程[4] – 安装Docker容器 - 菜鸟YY:2021-6-1 · OpenMediaVault(OMV)普通UPS实现停电自动关机 OMV搭建系列教程[9] – 安装Plex流媒体服务器 OMV搭建系列教程[8] – 安装NextCloud网盘服务器 OMV搭建系列教程[7] – 安装KodExplorer可道云 OMV搭建系列教程[6] – 安装AriaNG Web前端 OMV搭建系列 (08-28-2018) |  |
Identifying the Different Types of APIs (08-23-2018) |  |
Finding Data That Can Be Real (08-23-2018) |  |
Serverless Pricing and Costs: AWS Lambda and [email protected] (08-22-2018) |  |
An introduction to AWS Cloud Directory (08-17-2018) |  |
Launching API.market (and the #OREtoken) with a Developer First perspective (08-16-2018) |  |
Demystifying AWS Pricing APIs & its Cryptic codes (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Decoupling Systems with Apache Kafka, Schema Registry and Avro (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Help Customers to Seamlessly Update and Maintain Their Smart Devices with Proactive Discovery and Endpoint Management (07-30-2018) |  |
What is a webhook and how to create one? (07-12-2018) |  |
10,000 APIs Under the Sea (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Searching For APIs With Webhooks Uncovers More Mature APIs (07-11-2018) |  |
Rakuten launches API marketplace (07-11-2018) |  |
Welcoming the Nexmo SMS Verify & Number Insight APIs to RapidAPI (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Crunchbase API Joins RapidAPI Marketplace (07-03-2018) |  |
APIs on APIsHub (06-28-2018) |  |
What is APIsHub (06-28-2018) |  |
Continuously Deployed And Integrated API Discovery Built Into The Streamdata.io API Gallery (06-01-2018) |  |
API Autodiscovery in Anypoint Platform 2 (05-24-2018) |  |
MuleSoft CTO and Sir Tim Berners (05-14-2018) |  |
Announcing first (05-03-2018) |  |
Streamdata.io API Gallery Topics (OpenMediaVault) |  |
The Psychology of Rating Systems (04-13-2018) |  |
How API Authentication And Pricing Impact Stream Rank (04-09-2018) |  |
Microsoft releases its Azure Service Fabric to open source (03-15-2018) |  |
Armbian Stretchにopenmediavault 4をインストール:Armbian Stretchのopenmediavault 4インストール手順 専用OSイメージを使用する場合(Armbianベース) ※18.10.11追記:openmediavault 4専用のOSイメージを使用する場合、こちらが便利なようです。 (03-11-2018) |  |
The state of API integration (03-10-2018) |  |
The Good Collection Postman Blog (03-09-2018) |  |
Microservices for Startups: An Interview with Mike Hu of LogDNA (03-09-2018) |  |
Understand service discovery in microservice (03-09-2018) |  |
Okta (NASDAQ:OKTA) vs. The Competition Head (02-13-2018) |  |
OpenMediaVault 3.0.87数据分区文件系统从EXT4升级到 ...:2021-12-17 · 另外,OpenMediaVault 3.0.87的Linux内核已经更新到Linux Kernel 4.9.0能够非常好的支持BTRFS数据分区格式了,因此尝试升级到BTRFS数据分区格式。 在执行如下操作之前,请确定已经启用了OpenMediaVault的SSH远程登录功能。 首先,确定数据分区的挂载 (02-01-2018) |  |
Serverless Service Discovery Part 1: Get Started (01-06-2018) |  |
6 Interesting APIs to Check Out in 2018 (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Amazon Cloud Directory (12-29-2017) |  |
Postman releases a directory for public APIs, API Network (12-20-2017) |  |
Biggest library of API collections for Postman. (12-20-2017) |  |
OpenMediaVault 3.0.87数据分区文件系统从EXT4升级到 ...:2021-12-17 · 另外,OpenMediaVault 3.0.87的Linux内核已经更新到Linux Kernel 4.9.0能够非常好的支持BTRFS数据分区格式了,因此尝试升级到BTRFS数据分区格式。 在执行如下操作之前,请确定已经启用了OpenMediaVault的SSH远程登录功能。 首先,确定数据分区的挂载 (12-16-2017) |  |
Postman Announces Launch of its API Network (12-15-2017) |  |
Postman API Network launched for developers: Here's how it will help (12-15-2017) |  |
Postman Launches API Network (12-15-2017) |  |
Which API Types and Architectural Styles are Most Used? (11-26-2017) |  |
How To Make A Self (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Making Algorithms Discoverable and Composable (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Introducing AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (Standard Edition) (10-24-2017) |  |
Github wants to make it easy to discover fun projects to hack on (10-11-2017) |  |
Query across resources (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Querying IBM Watson Discovery with Salesforce Federated Search (09-26-2017) |  |
AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR) Support (09-11-2017) |  |
Daily API RoundUp: PDF Otter, MicroEdge, NeutrinoAPI (09-04-2017) |  |
omv系统该如何安装/更新插件? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-11-3 · 无法安装omvextrasorg,更新或安装插件就会跳出这俩个画面,使用命传行安装还是报错找不到地址,求大神救… 2、完成debian的初始化 当完成写入后将U盘插入N1的HDMI旁边的USB口,接上显示器和无线键鼠,开机,会从USB进行引导(请确保已进行折腾前的准备——原系统降级伡及实现U盘引导启 … (08-22-2017) |  |
Building Business Systems with Domain (08-18-2017) |  |
Azure Service Bus .NET Standard Client Generally Available (08-17-2017) |  |
JSON Home: Why, What, and How (with Clojure) (08-14-2017) |  |
Red Hat updates OpenShift container platform with new service catalog (08-09-2017) |  |
Whats New in OpenShift 3.6 Service Catalog & Brokers (Tech Preview) (08-09-2017) |  |
draft (08-02-2017) |  |
openmediavault - The open network attached storage …:openmediavault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It contains services like SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, AFS, UPnP media server, DAAP media server, RSync, BitTorrent client and many more. (08-01-2017) |  |
Healthcare Execs Report Rise in Data Breaches and HIPAA Violations (07-31-2017) |  |
Openmediavault入门常见问题及解决方法 | 一段香:2021-12-28 · 6. Openmediavault 终端乱码怎么解决? 如果在安装OMV时选择了中文进行安装,那么语言环境将会设置为中文,这时在终端返回的命传信息可能包含乱码,解决方法一是更改本地语言环境为英语,二是启用SSH连接,在终端(例如PUTTY)中设置传输 ... (07-25-2017) |  |
How to use Cloudflare for Service Discovery (07-21-2017) |  |
Medical industry embraces new .health domain extension (07-20-2017) |  |
Exploring Office 365 with the Graph Explorer (07-20-2017) |  |
Choosing the Correct AWS Directory Service Option (07-19-2017) |  |
Create a WSO2 ESB API that return the request as the reponse (07-18-2017) |  |
Goldilocks and API granularity (07-18-2017) |  |
Solving SEO Problems with API Design, Pt. 2 (OpenMediaVault) |  |
瞎搞 篇一:OpenMediaVault自带Aria2配置使用_值客原创 ...:2021-1-27 · 瞎搞 篇一:OpenMediaVault自带Aria2配置使用,由什么值得买值友发布在好物社区的真实分享,本文是作者亲身的购买使用感受伡及中立消费见解,旨为在广大网友中传播更好的消费主张。 (07-13-2017) |  |
MateLabs mixes machine learning with IFTTT (07-12-2017) |  |
Debian10安装与使用OpenMediaVault教程 OMV功能介绍 ...:2021-10-22 · OpenMediaVault是一个免费的Linux发行版,专门用于网络连接的存储。 OMV项目创建于2021年,基于Debian操作系统,使用GNUv3授权许可。 OMV功能介绍 1. 常规设置 – 常规设置:更改Web界面侦听端口,SSL并强制使用SSL。 (07-07-2017) |  |
5 best practices for designing a knowledge base (07-06-2017) |  |
Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture (07-03-2017) |  |
A guide to RESTful API design: 35+ must (06-30-2017) |  |
Improving Customer Service with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex (06-30-2017) |  |
Service Discovery on OpenShift Using Multicast (06-29-2017) |  |
Perform More Productive Audits of Your AWS Resources by Using the New AWS Auditor Learning Path (06-29-2017) |  |
StdLib Function as a Service Software Library (06-28-2017) |  |
「openmediavault」で自作NAS【1.インストール】 - …:「NAS」いわゆる、ファイルサーバー。現在は、専用機が販売されており、有線LANのケーブルと電源を接続しWebブラウザで設定すると使える。しかし、パソコンでもNASが自作できる。ここでは、「openmediavault」をインストールしてNASを構築する。 (OpenMediaVault) |  |
New on Hitch: Your API profile, customized! (06-28-2017) |  |
OpenMediaVault (06-27-2017) |  |
OpenCNAM Brings First International Caller ID Name API to Twilio Add (06-27-2017) |  |
Why (Certain) Data is the Worst (06-26-2017) |  |
HTNG Introduces API Registry to Connect Businesses and Technical Partners (06-23-2017) |  |
Rapids marketplace for every API GET PUT POST (06-21-2017) |  |
AWS Marketplace Update SaaS Contracts in Action (06-20-2017) |  |
Pershing Builds On Open API Strategy, AI For Advisors (OpenMediaVault) |  |
These retirees are making a living in legal weed's booming shadow industry (06-07-2017) |  |
New: Use Amazon Cloud Directory Typed Links to Create and Search Relationships Across Hierarchies (06-02-2017) |  |
Office Dev Center (06-02-2017) |  |
瞎搞 篇一:OpenMediaVault自带Aria2配置使用_值客原创 ...:2021-1-27 · 瞎搞 篇一:OpenMediaVault自带Aria2配置使用,由什么值得买值友发布在好物社区的真实分享,本文是作者亲身的购买使用感受伡及中立消费见解,旨为在广大网友中传播更好的消费主张。 (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Amazon rejects AI2s Alexa skill voice (05-31-2017) |  |
Using the Cloud Directory APIs (OpenMediaVault) |  |
RapidAPI Buys Mashape Hub to Create World's Largest API Marketplace (05-26-2017) |  |
Whats new in the Freshdesk Marketplace this May? (05-26-2017) |  |
The API Marketplace Joins RapidAPI (OpenMediaVault) |  |
The API Marketplace Joins RapidAPI (05-23-2017) |  |
Mashapes API Marketplace is now part of RapidAPI (05-23-2017) |  |
Dev or Ops, Observability is Crucial (05-22-2017) |  |
OpenMediaVault系统NAS单硬盘迅雷下载机安装(一)软 ...:2021-7-6 · OpenMediaVault系统NAS 单硬盘迅雷下载机安装(一)软硬件选择 (2021-07-06 19:10:51) 转载 标签: nas openmediavault omv 一直使用路由器加挂usb ... (05-22-2017) |  |
GitHub sets up a developer tools store, releases GraphQL API (05-22-2017) |  |
Why Running an API Directory is Harder than it Looks (And Why API Providers Should Care) (05-17-2017) |  |
Why Running an API Directory is Harder than it Looks (And Why API Providers Should Care) (05-17-2017) |  |
OpenMediaVault (05-17-2017) |  |
A Comparison of Mapping Approaches for Distributed Cloud Applications (05-16-2017) |  |
Untitled (http://developer.intuit.com/hub/blog/2017/05/09/php (05-16-2017) |  |
Tweet: 4 Methods to Make Your #API Truly Discoverable by @DoerrfeldBill: http://t.co/Rod1TVg1tu (05-11-2017) |  |
Is Data Discovery Just a Buzzword? (05-11-2017) |  |
Mapping your organization with the Google Cloud Platform resource hierarchy (05-11-2017) |  |
Introduction To MS Graph Explorer (04-25-2017) |  |
Announcing 5 Partners That Have Achieved AWS Service Partner Status for AWS Service Catalog (04-20-2017) |  |
自己动手搭建NAS(三)|系统安装及简单配置篇 - 航天侠 ...:2021-8-16 · OpenMediaVault:OMV是基于Debian的开源NAS系统。我比较熟悉Linux,所伡更倾向于OMV。它本身就有很多插件,还有很多第三方的插件可伡安装。如果想自己扩展其它功能(比如Aria2)的话也很方便,和其它Linux系统一样。OMV还有树莓派的版本,感 (04-18-2017) |  |
The troubles with APIs: security, discovery, bulk loading (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Setting Up a Docker Private Registry With Authentication Using Nexus and NGINX (03-18-2017) |  |
Service Discovery (Part 2): Java, a Database App, and Kubernetes (03-17-2017) |  |
ProgrammableWeb API Directory Eclipses 17,000 as API Economy Continues Surge (03-13-2017) |  |
Our new Amazon Cloud Directory API makes it easier to query data along multiple dimensions! (03-09-2017) |  |
OMV搭建系列教程[2] - 安装OMV-Extras - 菜鸟YY:2021-5-31 · OpenMediaVault(OMV)普通UPS实现停电自动关机 OMV搭建系列教程[9] – 安装Plex流媒体服务器 OMV搭建系列教程[8] – 安装NextCloud网盘服务器 OMV搭建系列教程[7] – 安装KodExplorer可道云 OMV搭建系列教程[6] – 安装AriaNG Web前端 OMV搭建系列 (03-01-2017) |  |
Endpoint Search Comes to API Harmony (02-14-2017) |  |
Amazon Cloud Directory is a directory store for your applications hierarchical data. (02-11-2017) |  |
Azure Service Profiler review How does it fit in your toolbox? (02-07-2017) |  |
openmediavault 5.x documentation — …:2021-5-13 · openmediavault 5.x documentation¶ openmediavault is a complete network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It’s available for x86-64 and ARM platforms. Features a full Web Administration interface. Can be controlled via SSH, if enabled. (01-30-2017) |  |
API Harmony Hits the Next Major Version (01-20-2017) |  |
Service discovery and deployment orchestration with Consul in the... (01-19-2017) |  |
Looking for commonality among HTTP request APIs (01-16-2017) |  |
Apps metadata for API discovery and code generation (01-13-2017) |  |
Openmediavault更新源修改-小叶白龙博客:2021-6-12 · openmediavault.list,openmediavault.org和sourceforge的源可伡任选其一,头两条是稳定版的源,下面的是测试版或社区版的,不建议开启。 (01-12-2017) |  |
OpenMediaVault (12-19-2016) |  |
New AWS Application Discovery Service Console (12-19-2016) |  |
Introducing the Watson Discovery Service: Content full of lemons? Turn it into lemonade. (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Learning how to invoke IBM Alchemy Data News through API Harmony (11-08-2016) |  |
Openmediavault更新源修改-小叶白龙博客:2021-6-12 · openmediavault.list,openmediavault.org和sourceforge的源可伡任选其一,头两条是稳定版的源,下面的是测试版或社区版的,不建议开启。 (11-07-2016) |  |
Introducing Detail Pages on Amazon.com to Increase Discovery and Use for Your Alexa Skills (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Cataloging Microservices (11-01-2016) |  |
TIBCO BWCE Leveraging Consul for Service Discovery and Configuration Management (10-14-2016) |  |
Amazon Dash Button Detection via DHCP Discover (10-04-2016) |  |
Managing Device Discovery for Your Alexa Smart Home Skill (OpenMediaVault) |  |
OpenMediaVault:你的开源 NAS 系统 - 知乎:我在本专栏里介绍过 HomeLab 服务器的虚拟化的方案,推荐过一些看起来不错的硬件,那么接下来将要讨论搭建 Nas 系统的相关话题了。Nas 系统方案有很多:标准 Linux,黑群晖,FreeNas,ClearOS,OpenMediaVault。标… (09-22-2016) |  |
OpenMediaVault (09-06-2016) |  |
The science of auto-discovery advances container monitoring (08-31-2016) |  |
Debian10安装与使用OpenMediaVault教程 OMV功能介绍 ...:2021-10-22 · OpenMediaVault是一个免费的Linux发行版,专门用于网络连接的存储。 OMV项目创建于2021年,基于Debian操作系统,使用GNUv3授权许可。 OMV功能介绍 1. 常规设置 – 常规设置:更改Web界面侦听端口,SSL并强制使用SSL。 (07-22-2016) |  |
Official Consul Docker Image (07-17-2016) |  |
Vertx.io 3.3.0 Service Discovery: Getting Started (07-01-2016) |  |
Announcing the launch of IBM Watson Explorer v11.0.1 (06-23-2016) |  |
63 Insanely Useful APIs Across 12 Segments To Supercharge Your Product (06-16-2016) |  |
APIs.guru Joins Growing List of API Indexes (OpenMediaVault) |  |
An Overview of Docker Registries (06-05-2016) |  |
EBSCO Opens Metadata to Third-Party Discovery Services (05-20-2016) |  |
Service Discovery With Docker and Consul: Part 2 (05-13-2016) |  |
Working To Establish A Complete OpenAPI Spec For Leading APIs (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Microsoft spotlights Edge interoperability with new API Catalog tool (04-30-2016) |  |
WSO2 Governance Registry 5.2.0 released! (04-29-2016) |  |
Service Discovery for NGINX Plus with ZooKeeper (04-27-2016) |  |
OpenMediaVault (04-26-2016) |  |
Using My APIs.json Annotation Tool To Drive An API Design Conversation Via Github Issues (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Microservices, Service Registries, and Architectural Debt (04-14-2016) |  |
Service Discovery With Wildfly Swarm (04-07-2016) |  |
Service Discovery for NGINX Plus with ZooKeeper (04-06-2016) |  |
Consul Service Discovery (Part 2) (03-30-2016) |  |
OpenMediaVault:你的开源 NAS 系统 - 知乎:我在本专栏里介绍过 HomeLab 服务器的虚拟化的方案,推荐过一些看起来不错的硬件,那么接下来将要讨论搭建 Nas 系统的相关话题了。Nas 系统方案有很多:标准 Linux,黑群晖,FreeNas,ClearOS,OpenMediaVault。标… (03-23-2016) |  |
Import APIs Into Apiman (API Catalog) (03-23-2016) |  |
Savvy API Providers Submit Pull Requests To Update Their OpenAPI Specs In My Github Repo (03-21-2016) |  |
What is APIs.json? And What is Next for the API Discovery Format? (03-21-2016) |  |
Joyent?s Container Name Service Eases Service Discovery (OpenMediaVault) |  |
What Is APIs.json? And What Is Next For the API Discovery Format? (02-25-2016) |  |
What Is APIs.json? And What Is Next For the API Discovery Format? (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture Part 4 (02-21-2016) |  |
Automated Mapping Of The API Universe With Charles Proxy, Dropbox, OpenAPI Spec, And Some Custom APIs (02-05-2016) |  |
Service Discovery With NGINX Plus and Consul (01-28-2016) |  |
在控制台中重置OpenMediaVault webui管理员密码 – ioe;s:通过ssh登录在openmediavault所在的服务器上,运行omv-firstaid,选中第三项 Change control panel administrator password,然后输入两次密码即可。还有如果你的账号因多次登录失败,有可能被禁用状态,也可伡通过omv-firstaid来重置(reset failed login attemp (OpenMediaVault) |  |
OpenMediaVault 5.3.9 发布,基于Debian Linux的NAS解决 ...:2021-3-31 · OpenMediaVault是基于Debian GNU/Linux的网络附加存储(NAS)解决方案。该项目的最新版本是5.3.9,项目将其简单地称为版本5。 经过漫长的开发阶段,很高兴宣布openmediavault 5(Usul)的发行。 (12-15-2015) |  |
Providing API.json As A Discovery Media Type Every One Of My API Endpoints (11-25-2015) |  |
RepreZen API Studio on Twitter: "#APIDiscovery via Code Completion in IDEs, using a defined catalog of known #APIs @apievangelist @apistrat #apistrat http://t.co/xbqNqeJ8pf" (11-20-2015) |  |
IBM Unveils Matchmaking Technology to Navigate API Economy (11-05-2015) |  |
IBM Unveils Matchmaking Technology to Navigate API Economy (11-05-2015) |  |
Microsoft Developing Dynamic API Detection Technology (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Bizcoder - Service Discovery, The Easy Way (09-03-2015) |  |
AnyAPI - Discover and Try Public APIs (09-03-2015) |  |
Service Discovery, The Easy Way (09-03-2015) |  |
Setup OpenMediaVault on Raspberry Pi 3 – Linux Hint:OpenMediaVault is an open source NAS (Network Attached Storage) operating system. You can easily create your NAS server with OpenMediaVault. The best thing about OpenMediaVault is that you don’t need expensive hardware to run it. (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Further Defining the AngelList API as Part of My API Stack (OpenMediaVault) |  |
自己动手搭建NAS(三)|系统安装及简单配置篇 - 航天侠 ...:2021-8-16 · OpenMediaVault:OMV是基于Debian的开源NAS系统。我比较熟悉Linux,所伡更倾向于OMV。它本身就有很多插件,还有很多第三方的插件可伡安装。如果想自己扩展其它功能(比如Aria2)的话也很方便,和其它Linux系统一样。OMV还有树莓派的版本,感 (08-24-2015) |  |
Making Sure The APIs Being Served Up Via Your Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Are Discoverable and Consumable Using APIs.json and Swagger (08-24-2015) |  |
InfoQ eMag: Description, Discovery, and Profiles - The Next Level in Web APIs (08-18-2015) |  |
OpenMediaVault (08-14-2015) |  |
API Harmony - the matchmaker of APIs and developers - BlueMix Dev (07-03-2015) |  |
Image If Everyone Automatically Knew That APIMATIC Had Added A New Endpoint? (OpenMediaVault) |  |
API origin as country attribute Issue #61 api-commons/api-json GitHub (06-22-2015) |  |
The APIs.json Discovery Format: Potential Engine in the API Economy (06-19-2015) |  |
Parse Adds New Schema API and API Console (06-05-2015) |  |
Service Discovery via Consul with Amazon ECS (06-05-2015) |  |
Service Discovery via Consul with Amazon ECS | AWS Compute Blog (06-05-2015) |  |
Parse Adds New Schema API and API Console (OpenMediaVault) |  |
Article: Article Series: Description, Discovery, and Profiles : The Next Level in Web APIs (05-29-2015) |  |
APIs.JSON: Bootstrapping The Web of APIs (05-26-2015) |  |
Description, Discovery, and Profiles: A Primer (OpenMediaVault) |  |
OpenMediaVault_百度百科:FreeNAS、OpenMediaVault、NAS4Free关系:Olivier Cochard-Labbe在2021年创建了FreeNAS项目,后Volker Theile加入该项目作为核心开发人员 [2] ;2021年12月Olivier Cochard-Labbe发表声明停止为FreeNAS 0.7版本开发新功能后,Volker Theile创建了基于Debian Linux的OpenMediaVault项目,并采用GPLv3授权;iXsystems收购FreeNAS后重写了网页框架和 ... (05-20-2015) |  |
Google Patches API Explorer Clickjacking Vulnerability (05-08-2015) |  |
Monitoring and Service Discovery (04-29-2015) |  |
Discovery pattern for REST API endpoint Stack Overflow (04-13-2015) |  |
Including Postman Collections In My APIs.json Files (04-07-2015) |  |
8 API Discovery Tools That Will Make You Want More - APIrise (03-21-2015) |  |
Google API discovery possible within Google Apps Script? (03-19-2015) |  |
【openmediavault】OMV物理机安装教程_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ ...:2021-5-25 · openmediavault 系统的安装及使用 数码 安装 科技 教程 安装教程 评论 翔子-风飘五月 发消息 分享一些有趣的教程 分享一些有趣的生活 关注 376 相关推荐 ... (03-18-2015) |  |
How M2M will Make the Move to Mass Market (03-18-2015) |  |
Postman Collections As Unit Of Measurement For Transactions In The API Economy (03-13-2015) |  |
Making The API Feedback Loop Machine Readable With APIs.json (03-12-2015) |  |
Openmediavault图文安装教程 | 一段香:2021-8-21 · 简单Openmediavault图文安装教程,用虚拟机模拟安装 开篇之前先介绍一下几大NAS系统的关系,FreeNAS、OpenMediaVault、NAS4Free关系:Olivier Cochard-Labbe在2021年创建了FreeNAS项目,后Volker Theile加入该项目作为核心开发人员;2021年12月Olivier Cochard-Labbe发表声明停止为FreeNAS 0.7版本开发新功能后,Volker Theile创建了 ... (03-12-2015) |  |
Postman Collections Will Take Your API Productivity To The Next Level (03-09-2015) |  |
自己动手搭建NAS(三)|系统安装及简单配置篇 - 航天侠 ...:2021-8-16 · OpenMediaVault:OMV是基于Debian的开源NAS系统。我比较熟悉Linux,所伡更倾向于OMV。它本身就有很多插件,还有很多第三方的插件可伡安装。如果想自己扩展其它功能(比如Aria2)的话也很方便,和其它Linux系统一样。OMV还有树莓派的版本,感 (03-07-2015) |  |
Three Ways I Am Putting APIs.json To Work (03-06-2015) |  |
My API Discovery Research (03-06-2015) |  |
A Breakdown Of My Dream APIs.json File (03-06-2015) |  |
Making Sure My API Roundup Stories Are Machine Readable By Designing Them As APIs.json Collections (03-04-2015) |  |
Using Machine Readable API Definitions To Solve A Persistent Question: Are There Any Write APIs In Federal Government? (03-02-2015) |  |
Understanding the Office 365 API?s Discovery Service (02-26-2015) |  |
Build your own NAS with OpenMediaVault:OpenMediaVault is a Debian based special purpose Linux Distribution to build a Network Attached Storage (NAS) System. It provides an easy to use web-based interface, Multilanguage support, Volume Management, Monitoring and a plugin system to extend it with LDAP, Bittorrent, and iSCSI capabilities. (02-21-2015) |  |
Bluemix Private Catalog (02-21-2015) |  |